Workshops & Events
Drop-In $17
Mediation 5 Pass $75
Mediation 10 Pass $145
Join Group Meditation Wednesday evenings at 6-7pm!

India Adventures, Potluck, and Kirtan
Jodi and Jeanette humbly invite you to join them to see pictures and hear stories about their adventures in Delhi and Rishikesh, India. This event will also feature a silent auction of quality handmade items from India, all proceeds to benefit Ramana's Garden (more info below). If you'd like to attend virtually, we will be providing a virtual link.
After the slide show, we'll enjoy a pot luck dinner followed by a Kirtan. Here's a schedule of events:
4:00pm Slide Show and Silent Auction
5:00pm Potluck Dinner
6:00pm Kirtan
Suggested donation for the kirtan will be $10+
Nobody will be turned away.
***All proceeds from this event go directly to Ramana's Garden, a children's home where Jodi and Jeanette did seva (service) in Rishikesh. To learn more about Ramana's Garden, or to donate directly to them, visit

Sacred Sunday Sound Baths with Jodi and Damien
Join Jodi and Damien for an sacred ceremony with the vibration of crystal bowls and gongs.
POP UP Receptivity Seasonal Circle and Ritual Foot Bath
Receptivity April POP UP Circle & Ritual Foot Bath 💜
Relax and put your feet up for this casual yet intimate seasonal circle-style experience.
The Particulars:
-Who(s): For all those who identify as women and gender nonconforming people. Hosted by Heather Leveroni.
-When: Friday, April 14th @ 5:15/30-7:00 pm (circle will begin promptly at 5:30)
-What(s): Ritual Foot Bath & Spring Cleaning Integration Check-In. We will use this time together to ground, connect to the season of spring, and check-in. Then we will co-regulate and luxuriate with a ritual foot bath. Dreamy! This practice has been done since ancient times all over the globe to promote therapeutic healing and relaxation.
-Please bring a basin or large bowl to soak your feet and a towel.
-Everything else will be provided for your foot bath including Epsom salts, flower petals, and various healing herbs harvested from my garden.
-I will offer Reiki healing upper body work during this time to the group if desired.
-Tea and light nibbles will be provided.
-The Center will have yoga mats, pillows, bolsters, and blankets for your comfort. We will sit on the floor for the beginning of this circle experience, then move into folding chairs for our foot bath.
-Where: Chico Holistic Wellness Center (Blue Lotus Room)
-How Much: This is a donation-based circle. I will have a basket at the event and feel free to give what you can. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. xoxo
-PLEASE EMAIL or DM @wild_child_strength_ on Instagram to save your spot.

Sacred Sunday Sound Baths with Jodi and Damien
Join Jodi and Damien for an sacred ceremony with the vibration of crystal bowls and gongs.

Living Deliberately: New Moon Women's Circle
Celebrate the New Moon with a Cacao and Self-Compassion Ceremony hosted by Jaelyn of Celestial Sisters and Jillian of Innershine Women’s Collective!
February 19th, 6-8pm
In this ceremony, we will be learning about the astrological invitations of this New Moon in Pisces, practicing radical self-compassion in a safe container of healing, working with the goddess archetype Kwan Yin, drinking ceremonial cacao to open the heart, be held and witnessed by other women on their own spiritual journeys, and create lasting compassion for yourself.
Please wear comfortable clothing and bring a reusable mug and an item to add to our altar if you'd like. You are also welcome to bring any other ceremonial items such as crystals, oracle decks, natural items, etc.!
Come as you are. Be held, seen, safe, and supported in the circle. Bring your pain, your strife, your gratitude, and your successes. We can’t wait to love you through it all!
RSVP your spot on Eventbrite, Facebook, or Venmo @celestial-sisters your sliding-scale donation of $10-$35 with the word “Pisces”!

Sacred Sound Sundays with Jodi and Damien
Join Jodi and Damien for an sacred ceremony with the vibration of crystal bowls and gongs.

Receptivity February POP UP Circle
Let’s gather together for this casual yet intimate circle experience to celebrate Imbolc and the breath before spring hosted by Heather Leveroni.
Who(s): For all those who identify as women or gender-nonconforming people.
What(s): Imbolc! I love this time of year as we wait for the beauty and possibility of spring. It’s a potent time to go inward and stretch into what can be gleaned from this season of pause and restoration.
Where: Chico Holistic Wellness Center
Cost: This is a donation-based circle. I will have a basket at the event and feel free to give what you can. This is simply to cover the cost of the room rental. No one will be turned away for lack of funds, xoxo.
Email to save a spot!
Please bring a small empty pouch or bag to our circle to be used in the ritual, as well as anything you need to be comfy on the ground (yoga mat, back jack, pillows). You may also want your water bottle, journal, or any other special/sacred items.
“At this time of year, Mother Earth is full with possibility. Taking a breath before launching into spring, she is ready for action. The Celtic festival of Imbolc - meaning in the belly - falls at the beginning of the month of February and is known as the quickening of the year as nature picks up speed to greet the spring.” -Alison Davies

Imbolc Gathering
Imbolc Gathering
Music • Sacred Crafting • Meditation • Ritual
Tuesday, January 31st, 6 - 8PM
The days grow longer and the seeds of rebirth begin to awaken, deep within the womb of the earth. We gather to light the sacred flame. Join us for an intimate mid-winter Imbolc gathering. Imbolc, which falls between the Winter Solstice and the Vernal Equinox, is one of the eight Celtic high holy days of the year. In honor of Brigit, the Goddess / Patron Saint of midwinter, we’ll create poetry, make art, and light the ceremonial flame of renewed inspiration. “
By Donation
Space is Limited, RSVP or 701.721.7779