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Shamanic Journey and Offrenda Ceremony

  • Chico Holistic Wellness Center 287 RIO LINDO AVE CHICO United States (map)

Shamanic Journey & Offrenda Ceremony

Please join Heather Weingartner in exploring our inner-wisdom, creativity and connectedness to all realms and beings through ritualized shamanic journey.  Journeying or "shamanic magical flight" is a spiritual technology that has been used for millennia by our ancestors, and we all have the ability to journey in our own unique way—whether that is through soul (astral) travel, working with our intuition, imagination or through movement and prayer.

We will journey to seek guidance, inspiration, renewal & rest  for our own spiritual evolution and growth.  Each journey will be followed by the creation of a heart-based offering to be brought home and given to the land or other sacred place in gratitude for the support we received from the Unseen and our beloved earth mother.

Registration Investment:  $33 (includes offering supplies)

November 16

Community Crystal Bowl Sound Ceremony

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