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Mindfulness for Children and Parents - Overcoming Negative Self Image

  • Chico Holistic Wellness Center 287 RIO LINDO AVE CHICO United States (map)

Join Christopher Kokoll for an evening of mindfulness to bring children and parents closer together.

When children receive feedback from society (warranted or not) that their actions are bad it forms a self image, often in the child's unconscious. Even if surface level behaviors are resolved, unfortunately this self image remains. And like a seed it can grow other negative manifestations in ones life. Self forgiveness is key softening this seed. Mindfulness softens the identities we automatically play out. There is specific benefit to softening and dissolving negative identities. During this class we will be using mindfulness and self forgiveness to achieve this.

Investment: $20
Venmo @Christopher-Kokoll or

Contact Chris for more info: 207-939-1805

All minors must be accompanied by an adult. Adults will be encouraged to be practicing being a calm regulating presence for their child during the mindfulness practice.

Christopher has been working as a mindfulness coach to traumatized adopted children for the past 4.5 years. Christopher works for both social services and private clients, he helps children and parents make lasting and permanent shifts in behavioral tendencies by healing from the inside out.

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