Join Heidi Sanchez for a communal intro course of herbal applications influenced by the celestial bodies, aka Astroherbalism on June 23rd! This will be lightly based on astrology, or simply, the herbal actions that attract choices of lifestyle.
Blue lotus tea will be served *it will be optional to partake in the tea * and Heidi will disclose it’s gentle affects while connecting its correspondences. The discussion will include the association with the sun and moon, and lightly go over each zodiac sign/ruling planet and key word of 1-2 herbs or flowers associated.
Investment: $22-33 via Venmo to reserve your spot!
Questions are encouraged, and a selection of herbs for guests to build their own sachet custom to their astrological chart or whichever planet they resonate with will be included.
In this workshop Heidi will introduce:
Infusions, teas, and pesto recipes
The history of Astroherbalism through regional perspectives, interwoven with their mythologies
Connection of plants and correspondences to a planet
Relevance of plants pertaining to the current season (she will answer questions about a zodiac’s archetype in Astroherbalism)
A short discussion on how to associate the energies of the planets with various herbs to soothe your daily life
Sliding scale $22-33 Save your spot now!