Karuna Reiki® 2 will introduce the second 4 Karuna symbols. This class will use sound, through chanting and toning, and explore different ways to use sound while greatly enhancing the Reiki energy. Students must have completed Karuna Reiki® 1 prior to the start of this course. This class will add each student’s knowledge of Karuna Reiki®, enhancing their connection to personal and global healing.
Reserve your spot for this class!
Karuna is an energy that cultivates deep self-compassion, and deeper levels of healing as each person connects to their divine nature and true, authentic self.. The gift of Karuna is a deeper level of healing that is assisting humanity and the planet during this time of great transformation and awakening. The 4 Karuna Reiki® two symbols will add another layer of depth, understanding as each student connects to Universal Compassion, Universal Love, and Universal Truth.
This class will be in-person at Chico Holistic Wellness Center in Chico, Ca.
Class Schedule:
Wednesday March 22nd 5:30-8:00 pm
Wednesday March 29th 5:30-8:00 pm
Wednesday April 5th 5:30-8:00 pm
Wednesday April 12th 5:30-8:00 pm
Investment: $445/includes books & materials
$145 non-refundable deposit due at time of registration
Have a question? Contact Jane