Register for the spring Reiki 3 Advanced Practitioner Training! This four-week training is open to Reiki 2 students of any lineage who have had certification for at least 3-6 months. Students will have an opportunity to join the class in person, or online, but must attend all classes to receive certification. This class is perfect if you are ready to increase your Reiki skills and greatly increase your Reiki healing capabilities. This class will enhance your life and teach you advanced Reiki techniques. You will be given new tools and significant Reiki empowerment to use in your personal life and Reiki practice while deepening your spiritual journey.
Students of all lineages will learn both Usui and Holy Fire® techniques and master symbols, and receive the Holy Fire® Reiki energy to use in their personal practice. Students will be required to complete practice hours, and meditations, and will have access to phone or online meetings with Jane once this course is completed.
This course is designed for the level 2 Reiki practitioner who is ready to upgrade their Reiki energy to the next level and wants to connect to higher consciousness in new ways. Students will understand more deeply the transformation that the planet is undergoing, and will be given new Reiki healing tools and skills to assist the self, human consciousness, and the planet during this transition.
Students who wish to pass along Reiki attunements to others may continue on to the Master Teacher Training Class, where students receive the 4 Holy Fire® Ingitions (see class descriptions for more details). Students may or may not want to take the Master Teacher Training at a later point in time—this class is not required to take the Master Teacher class but is highly recommended.
The class size is limited to 12 students.
Class Schedule:
Saturday April 8th 12:30-5:30pm
Saturday April 15th 12:30-5:30pm
Saturday April 22nd 12:30-5:30pm
Saturday May 6th 4pm-7pm
Investment: $625/includes books & materials
$125 non-refundable deposit due at time of registration